Friday 25 February 2011

I'm sorry but that just ridiculous....

Salam, not that my opinion matter anyway

Last week I volunteered myself for the debate competition in UBD, honestly I didn't know we are supposed to report ourselves at 1pm. I was in chaotic situation! I have to attend replacement class at 12pm and it went on to 1.30pm and I ran to my club meeting for my attendant, then I ran to debate hall and I was thinking to ran to Mosque later for another ceremony that as RC residents need to attend. But it was all ruined when the weather was not permitting.

Rubbish talk and here are the pictures:

Do you know why I put the URL as ? Because sometimes, I like to took my camera and take pictures like nobody business.

These girls are not Brunei next top model

The first to eliminate is the girl on the left because she have suffered mental disorder due to seeing less men.

Salam, you pervert bastard

Our lecture told us to make our own educational trip to Dakwah Centre for our course and unfortunately camera were not allowed >_> there's so many stuff there that I want to keep, take pictures and abuse it. LOL, no seriously, I don't meant to deviate, I'm just curious!

Some Pictures:

Here is some humourous event during our trip:

Because sushi has to the power to unite


I promised them to upload this but I was tied up with work and some stuff, yeah UBD is not entirely a happy place just another place where we could spread our wing, show our fangs and tied to a chain called assignments. Then we will be facing apocalypse of exams!

Blah my boring stuff here's the pictures, only two that are fitting to my like.

Me and my ex-SMSOnian friends went to Sushi Excapade at Seria and it almost the same as in old branches in Kiulapand I swear we were the only non-Chinese there XD