Saturday 29 December 2012

Archery outing

Salam hunters

Few days ago, we went to try archery arcade at Airport Mall, my last play with archery was about few years  ago when it was try out during ABDB day and let just said, my eyes were and still  blur like a bat.

............and it is still now, I don't know what I did but most arrows I shot are either slanted to other target, from below and never straight....If I go for hunt I can't kill a deer at least I slowed down the movement and kill small animal around =v=

I like this sport because it requires minimum human interaction, team work and movement, I just need a good eyes and hands...I'm just that lazy and anti-social 

Monday 24 December 2012

Tungku Beach photo shoots

Salam peeps

Few days ago, my friends and I want to hangout because basically we are jobless during holiday. Zarr suggested to do photo-shooting at Tungku Beach. It's been a while since I step to the beach so heck, give it a try. Thankfully there's not much of people so I could focus what to shoot, the landscape is great and wonderful despite the wind blowing the sand to my face. The weather was also compromising and it turn out to be some great shooting.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Kota Kinabalu Trip

Salam, I need some rest

Two days after the exam I went to KK vacation and it was great, tiring, awesome, bored, hey some food! Tiring...and more food

and here some photos
