Friday 16 September 2011

Student Centre (Before Grand Opening)

Salam~ I'm trespasser betcch


This was actually called "Inspiring Hall"

The new building located near to UBD Taman Selera, the official opening for this building with a fucking rooftop without roof and it was hot as hell will be on 21 September 2011

UBD Art exhibition

Salam lovely artworks they got here

I don't lie when I say the first thing that come to my mind when I see the second artwork of cage was about BDSM XD

The BDSM cage display was supposed to be about self-control in martial arts, according to the description, a practitioners must be equipped with good self control dealing with anger, lack of self-confidence, impatient, judgement and temptation.

All display artwork made by various clubs and individuals in UBD, there was more but the camera effect was a bit shitty so yeah....

The art exhibition was in cool, wish they do this more and the exhibition room is so dark that it has the potential to become ghost house ( ^∀^)ノノノ


Thursday 15 September 2011

Are you still afraid of firecracker?

Salam, who? me? No~

Picture taken at my cousin house. and somehow my camera took bokeh effect instead the normal firework.

My little cousin invited us for his open house and he was only 7 years old and just finished his exam. Hence he want to celebrate with his excessive amount of firework and the funny thing, he afraid of firecracker because of its large sound. Me and my bro like to tease him whenever he was not looking at us. His massive firework collection are also awesome but we didn't play all of them, it was showering so we stop and just light up the big daddy.

More post coming soon XD

Monday 12 September 2011

Tour de Brunei

Salam~ who like to bike around

This time I won't do the vintage effect because well these pictures are sport and there's nothing "memorable" about it.

I took this when the bikers make their circuit in Tutong and I was lucky to see them after my class and personally I thought it was leisurely biking around town instead they race and don't give a fuck about anyone XD

......or maybe it was almost the end of the race and they speed up for the finishing line

I'm so glad that there's many event and things going on that won't make this blog full of bat shit and spider's prey trap.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

My awesome Eid pictures

Salam, the tutorial is fucking awesome

You see how awesome the vintage effect on my pictures? Ignore my bad poker face, I'm terrible in front of camera. I'm going to stick to this effect a little longer, it use 4 different layer of adjustment and a layer for glowing effect. I'm really pleased with the result. This tutorial really helps me a lot =D

There's not much pictures I shoot as most of the time my brother took it and I'm far too lazy to check them all and make the same effect on each one. Speaking of my brother, he no longer use Flickr to synchronize with blogger, instead he use instagram. For me that apps is a slap in the face for pro shooter when you say you can have the same effect like what pro do before upload. Like what this comic telling me. I don't call myself pro, I'm still an amateur and learning to have a good picture for a better memory. Not that it's bad to use it but it better stay in amateur level than to say in pro level.

So anyway my Raya was okay, my brother still a pain in the ass, I get to rejoice again what I have been missing for the past 5 years due to excessive examination and assignments. Still received money from my aunts because well, I'm schooling and there's only 3 of us that still haven't finished the education institutional. I have two cousin of whom are still in primary school and in kindergarten................and then there's me. So yeah, screw you people.